Dear Students,

We would like to inform our SH students in the English taught study programme that the Óbuda University offers following opportunities for you to learn Hungarian language:

Students who receive a Stipendium Hungaricum scholarship have to complete since the academic year 2020/21 in the 1st study year the subjects/courses Hungarian Language and Culture I, Neptun code: RMSMID1BNE (fall semester) and Hungarian Language and Culture II, Neptun code: RMSMID2BNE (in the spring semester). We know that there have been problems to register for the subject and the courses. We have made some changes in Neptun and hope you can now register without problems. These courses (Hungarian II) are planned in your current timetable (4 hours/week for 10 weeks).

If you are interested and want to learn more Hungarian after the 1st study year (after completing the courses Hungarian Language and Culture I-II), we offer you the subjects/courses Hungarian Language and Culture III, Neptun code: RMSMID3BNE and Hungarian Language and Culture IV, Neptun code: RMSMID4BNE as optional courses. These courses last 14 weeks – from the 1st week of the lecture period - á 3 hrs/week. We hope the schedule AND the venue is fine for you. These courses are for everyone together (no longer divided by study programs/faculties), so it may be that several of you have other lesson or practical class at the same time. In this case you can write it the teachers of the course (Katalin Szloboda, Adrienn Liszt or Eszter Bartus, maybe it will be possible to find another schedule (and venue) in the 1st week. If not, you can attend these continuing courses in the coming semesters. We ask for your understanding of this situation.

SH grant holder students who started their studies before 2020/21 can study Hungarian Language 1-2-3 under a different code. (Courses under these codes are NOT AVAILABLE for SH-students who started their studies 2020/21 or 2021/22.)

Hungarian 1: RMSM12EBNE
Hungarian 2: RMSM22EBNE
(prerequirement: Hungarian I)
Hungarian 3: RMSM33EBNE
(prerequirement: Hungarian II)

You can register for these courses in the registration week. Please use the Neptun code to find the courses and register for them (it’s the easiest way).

We wish you a successful study time!
Best regards,
Tibor Virágh
coordinator for Hungarian

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